Important addition to Quest: The Liberation Dranors
Timeframe: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Before her the advice of the oracle follows, you should re Dranor as an additional party member care: Gaukler Queen Selina is right next to the temple Hesinde and offers you a job to which again the fate of the crooks should clarify. Walk to harbor and Ugdan-up all the way to the west to the brewery, where Worrwisch, the brother of Wirrwosch, waiting on you. Talk to him and allowed her to enter the brewery. However, the rat infestation is not your goal, but Dranors prison.
They marched her down the stairs and follow the first path to the cave. At the T-junction take the turning to the right and comes to a supposed impasse. Click the stone wall to a secret tunnel to open, and walk up to the cell of Dranor. Talk with him and marched all the way back. If you want, then you can at the T-junction, the road to the west and drive you to take care of the rats plague. To Dranors exemption, however, this is not necessary, so you simply Worrwisch at the entrance to the brewery, you can ask, to leave this early.
Begebt after you count the city and thence to the northwest corner, to the dealer Harpel. Annoying him and his daughter with questions, the presumption of innocence until he admits Dranors. Now we have only Barla Dorkenschmied, which is now in the barracks by Graf in the southwestern city resident, give notice, and that's Dranor free.
Now you can with four men Ferdok leave and Moorbrücker marshes as well. You do not wonder that on the following screen shots Dranor still missing: We were at the time not to realize that we already have can liberate. Only in retrospect, we found that this is already Moorbrücker before entering the marshes is possible and would be useful.
Note- Even though I had stated in my first post of the walkthrough that none of this was my work and that it was only a translation, and had also credited and linked the original German site, some people weren't so eager to read before speak and started commenting that I was lying. So I thought I would write this note here and there in some entries that- All credit to- for the original German walkthrough. I just translated it since no English walkthrough was available.
Searching revealed that there was no English walkthrough available for Drakensang. I found one German walkthrough though. I started translating it into English, but then thought of sharing it with all, since no other English walkthrough was available. What you see here, is just the translation of the original German walkthrough. All credits to
I didnt't put this note in every post cause it would have cluttered the posts. I assumed that people will read completely before blaming, but turns out some people aren't like that. I've only put it here so that I can share it with people cause there is no other English walkthrough available at the moment. Now I'll put this note in some entries so people dont think I am lying.
Previous-Chapter 2: Ferdok- C)In search of the oracle stones
Thanks for the hard work in translating this! But i just have one question... do you have the walkthrough for the sidequests as well? Thanks!
I dont have a walkthrough for side quests but I have played almost all side quests so please post details and I'll help if I can.
i want to ask you about the side quest in ferdok. its about a quest from ferdok city watchman in the sewer with 5 lever. which lever should i switch to repair the water system?
@ Anonymous- from left to right it goes UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, DOWN. That will do it for you.
I freed Dorian, but I can not find neither the way to Moorbridge, nor Raikorium
@Rafter 77
Go in the principality of Kosh (that is, outside from the main gate in either Preios square or Ducas citadel) and select Moorbridge Marshes on the map that will come. You'll be automatically transferred to Moorbridge marshes. Rakorium is in moorbridge only.
On the map I only have Averstrue, Ardo's residence, Wagoner's Home, Ducal Citadel, Praios square and Ugdan harbor. May be the game has a bug? is the patch available? :(
On the map I only have Averstrue, Ardo's residence, Wagoner's Home, Ducal Citadel, Praios square and Ugdan harbor. May be the game has a bug? is the patch available? :(
No its not a bug even I was confused initially. Actually, the make is not full on the screen. Hold left click and drag the map, it will reveal more. Its down there, the map doesnt fit full on screen, you will have to drag it.
thanks :) you ar incredible
thanks :) you ar incredible
thanks :) you ar incredible
thanks :) you ar incredible
hey kamal
thanks for your post you hot stud you. lol any who. let me add side quest information.
@the editor...
Thanks man. And you're welcome to post the side quests info.....
Where is the healer in Ferdok? I have the stench and would like to get cleared of it. Completed the Oracle quest but I guess still need a shower?
If you mean the stink that decreases charisma by 3, then you just need a soap to get rid of it.
I bought the soap from a merchant in Ducal citadel. But I am sure even more will have soaps in Ferdok.
Yes thats the problem that I have though would like to find a healer for wounds as well. THought I had found one but forgot where/
I don't remember any healer in Ferdok. What I did was that I learned healing from the Alchemist Lady (near temple of Hesinde nearby the river stream in Praios square) and then used that to heal wounds.
I need a help kamal!!i am at the 4 fourth level of rat plague!they attack me 7 rats!how i can beat them?too many!
Yes its really hard. I would advice that you go back and play some more and increase your levels and then come back.
First THANK YOU Kamal for the translation.
After Avetrue I wondered how linear the game was going to be.
So when going after Dranor and I turned left instead of right I thought this might be a one shot deal. From the post above, I can see I can come back to the rat problem. Still I made it to the Mother Rat and thought there should be a post for those who run into the rat packs.
At level 4 getting to mother rat can be tough.
The Wimpy Rats can be handled by putting your group in basic formation. Tanks up front, mages and shooters in the rear placed in a door or narrower part of the caves. If you need to retreat to find a better spot go for it the formation holds.
The Meaner Rats have more Vitality and ignore the formation going after the least armored characters. For one of my back row characters, I used Fastness of Body and this worked great. Unfortunately, only one had it so I tried keeping her way in the back. It didn’t work. If your toon runs they take a lot wounds quickly and go down. I tried short runs; pause move a few steps pause 180 degrees move a few steps and repeat. Mean while, the other three take care of the rats.
Mother Rat has 400 Vitality, at level 4 I was not sure this was possible but thinking this might the one shot deal I tried her. Here is what I tried. Formation again didn’t work, your characters look like they are on ice with the rats pushing them around with easy. Oh I forgot to mention she has a very mean ability, she summons the meaner rats so you’re not just fighting her. I tried the Everything On The Boss method but the meaner rats took me down quickly. I found a narrower passage that worked well and had Forgrimm tank while the other 3 took care of the meaner rats and healed Forgrimm. That was the best I did, with 6 dead meanies and mother at 176. Which is when I started looking for help, ;).
I am in ferdok and am sick, is there a healer? Where?
In the Ducal Citadel, there is a magic stall, which has a priest buying items, if you ask him he will heal you, and cure poison
Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Amiable dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
i have a mission that i have brought from avestrue to ferdok..
the last mission of the examination, find the guild of thieves...
the note that i have brought said "Canowagonershome"
can you tell me where i can find that place?
can you tell me where i can find kastan gamblack?
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