For years we have laughed on Rajnikanth and Mithun doing humanely and physically impossible stunts. Well....finally....here is a hollywood rival of their movies, with stellar cast that comprises of A-list stars like Angelina Jolie, Morgan freeman, Terrence stamp and James McAvoy. ,
The movie begins with scene in which a man runs faster than a train, leaps across sky-scrapper and shoots people while in air and finally, kills a man who was hiding behind a wall by shooting a bullet on curvy path. Which basically means his bullet bend its path, much like a boomerang.
But without wasting time, this scene is topped by another scene in which a bullet kills the same man, which was shot from a man sitting miles far and the bullet came flying like a bird- curving, bending, through windows, between buildings and finally on the roof of a building!
Before anyone says that those were specifically made bullets, I say yes I agree that there are bullets which can bend if specifically made. But they bend very little, and the distance required to bend them is much much more than length of a room (at the end of movie, there is a scene in which a bullets goes in circle in a room).
The script for the movie is lame too. There is a twist used a million times in movies already, there is an awakening of hero (realizing his real aim) and a final showdown (OK this thing is in all the movies). There is no explanation how the yarn started telling names and how they discovered it (OK I might let it go on 'fiction envelope theory' I discussed here).
Cast is decent but I felt McAvoy didnt fit the second part of his role. He was perfectly fine for a lame looser but a cool and badass he is not. Even Jolie looked twice as big as him. Morgan freeman's role is of no importance and Angelina jolie is quite fine for role of badass girl.
But one point where movie actually scores is action. There are breath-taking action sequences, shot wonderfully.
Bottomline- Watch it for some great action. There are bullets striking each other head on, exploding rats, flipping cars and cars crashing in trains. Beware though, movie might force you to ponder, by giving lame reasoning about some things (like showing specially crafted bullet), but dont go for it. Dont think how it happened, even if movie asks you to. Reasoning in this movie is absolutely lame. Just sit back, relax, and let the bullets fly....and bend!!!!!!!
Also......eat something Jolie!!!!!!!! She is so skinny its disgusting!
Wanted- 6/10
Other movies I watched-
Wrong turn 2: dead end- 1/10
Being John malkovich- 6/10.
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Great work.
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