Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Save Darfur- lend your hand

From the past five years, a time in which most of us lived happily and enjoyed what luxuries life has bestowed us, 4oooooo people died in Darfur, Sudan. When we were busy eating in McDonalds, they didnt have anything to eat. When we were travelling around the world, they were running to save their lives. Probably we all have seen such things in movies, but its time to realize that such things do happen in our world.

Come, let us unite to save Darfur. What can a mere person do? You ask. You are not alone. People worldwide are joining hands to save those lives who wont exist if we dont do anything. Thousands more will be orphaned, millions will be thrown out of their homes. You dont have to do mighty difficult tasks, start with whatever you want. Join the movement, sign petitions, write on your blogs and sites, donate if you can and tell more people about it. Let us pray that Darfur conflict will end soon and we will be able to wash those tears away.

Join the movement here. As a human, do your part, save lives. If we havent learned to help those who are in need, we taint the word Human. Africans have suffered more than what seems possible and even remotely bearable. They are harassed, killed, diseased, starved and suppressed for centuries, for ages. We could have been born in there. We are fortunate that we didn't, but in a world where news travels faster than thoughts and one can watch the world with a click, it will be severe crime to ignore their suffering, cries, pain and tears.

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