It is always strange, and we couldn’t stop wondering what Ubisoft saw in the writings of Tom clancy that clicked as potential, ground breaking, video game franchises. Splinter cell, rainbow six, ghost recon. All of these are franchises that rocketed ubisoft on top place of game in industry. The newest game of one of these franchise, Rainbow six:vegas is a game which can’t be counted as degrading the overall quality assurance image of these franchises. In fact, it increases it in some cases.
You play as Logan keller in this game, the leader of the counter terrorist team who is called to operate against terrorists in Mexico (true, the game isn’t only in Vegas and also the beginning is not vegas). What happens after that and how we reach Vegas is the story element and we won’t spoil it for you.
Two most basic things of a game are graphics and gameplay, and this game is excellent on both of these fronts.
The graphics are realistic, very realistic. The flying dust, stunning lightning and shadow effects and great textures create sights to behold.
This game uses UT 3 engine, the same used in Gears of war. But to be true, although it goes down as one of the best looking games out there on PC, it is not as good looking as gears. This may be contributed to the fact that it was Epic themselves who made Gears and to another fact that on PC, there is always a bottom line that if you’re making a PC game, it should run on as many as PCs as you can allow it to. Ubisoft is already getting criticized for using Shader model 3.0 for this game, which makes many Graphics cards unable to play it.
Gameplay, although varying quite much from last Rainbow six, is very satisfying. It is probably the only game which gives you real feeling of being a commando. The animations of taking cover and shooting while hiding, or popping out suddenly and then firing, are just like a trained commando will do.
You can also shoot without coming out, but they will not be accurate. It is just like real life, you don’t where exactly the enemy is , so all you do is to get an idea of his position by his voice and fire blindly. This effect is crafted very nicely, although you won’t be using it pretty much cause of the inaccuracy.
This game do not has any medikit to pick or anything like that. The health replenishes itself after a while, slowly. So there is no need to go mad to find a medipack if you are low on health. This certainly decreases frustration in intense combats. Another effect is that whenever you get hit, the vision gets blurred for a while. So you need to wait until it goes OK to come back in action.
Just like Gears, anything that is between you and enemy is your friend here. You can take cover behind almost anything. And the controls for this are so easy. Just hold the right click and you are covered. Sit down or hide against it, and then use your ammo the way you like.
You won’t be playing alone. You have two buddies with you in almost every level. Everytime anything about AI buddies come and we start to suspect that they will be dumb and won’t be on par. But this times, this is not the case. They are pretty smart in almost everything. They navigate complex paths seamlessly and follow your orders without any double pressing.
Giving them order is one of the easiest things you can do in this ame. Point where you want them to be, and press space bar, they will be there. They take pretty good covers automatically, so don’t worry about there health that much.
There are many other things in the game worth mentioning. Like rope climbing or decending, choosing priority killing for enemies and of course, the weapon modification.
The Multiplayer allows cooperative mode, up to four players. So that creates good fun, and also compensates a bit for short single player part. You can also replay the game in realistic mode, which is much harder than normal.
Then there is normal multiplayer, up to 16 players. Containing almost every type of game. Whether capture the flag or time mode. You can also customize yourself by unlocking new weapons, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
The game features almost every type of real life gun. And you can further customize it, by adding silencer, laser or anything that is available.
And the last thing, but surely one of the best things, is the background score of the game. It is strange in fact. Really dark in earlier ages of the game, and the funky later on. Since you are in casinos, music will be, most of the times, what is being played in casino. Really good score, not if you want to listen alone, but really fits great in setting of game.
With so many plus points, is there anything that goes wrong with this game? Well…nothing is perfect. The biggest flaw of this game is that it requires a very Godly machine if you want to play it in full glory. Ubisoft said that there was no possibility of same experience as of Xbox360 if they didn’t include Shader model 3.0, so we can consider that. But still, there are others who want to play the game, without upgrading to a Rs.15000 ($375) graphic card. Now it is all up to you to think about what was right. To degrade the graphics, and hence experience of game, or to allow some more people to play this game.
Another minus points comes from the fact that you can’t save the game anywhere you want. There are several checkpoints where it will get automatically saved. So, if you die a bit too far away from previous check point, get ready to be frustrated cause now you have to do it all over again.
The final words are- if you have the hardware to run it, go get it. Even if you didn’t like earlier Rainbow six games, give it a shot. And if you liked, we don’t need to say buy it, do we?
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